Modern slavery

On this page:

  1. What is modern slavery?
  2. What is human trafficking?
  3. How victims are exploited
  4. Report modern slavery

What is modern slavery?

'Modern slavery' is an umbrella term used when someone is coerced or forced to do something they don't want to do, and another person gains from this exploitation. Modern slavery includes slavery, domestic servitude, human trafficking, and forced labour.

Victims of modern slavery are usually held against their will, and are often unseen or unheard. Victims of modern slavery can be of any age, gender, nationality, or ethnicity.

Modern slavery is a serious crime. Victims are:

  • exploited
  • controlled or held captive
  • threatened, or punished, to stop them escaping or reporting the crime

Anyone can be a target for modern slavery. However, some people can be more at risk due to financial, social or health issues - or because of their age or immigration status.

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery is the movement of people via means such as force, fraud, coercion, abduction, or deception - with the aim of exploiting them.

For the purpose of exploitation, this include:

  • slavery (where ownership is exercised over a person)
  • forced or compulsory labour (this involves work or service extracted from any person under the threat of a penalty, and for which the person has not offered themselves voluntarily)
  • prostitution
  • other sexual exploitation (where a person is forced to work in the sex industry. Child sexual exploitation is a type of sexual abuse)
  • domestic servitude (this involves an obligation to provide services, which is imposed by coercion)
  • organ harvesting (removal of organs)

Victims of trafficking are traded for financial gain - either within their own country, or internationally. Trafficked people have little choice over what happens to them, and often suffer abuse due to violence and threats made against them, or their families.

Human trafficking is a crime. Both British and foreign nationals can be victims.

It does not have an include crossing an international or country border. Movement can be as slight as from one street or another - or even just taking someone next door.

How victims are exploited

Forced labour happens when victims are threatened, or physically forced, into working in someone's home or business. Criminals might also trick their victims by promising real work in another place or country - then forcing them into slavery, once they arrive.

Even if a victim has seemingly agreed to the work, we can still prosecute if the work and conditions aren't acceptable. Nobody can agree to being exploited.

Victims can work very long hours for little or no pay. They are often kept in, and work in, terrible conditions. However, it is still modern slavery if the victim is kept in decent conditions, but are not free to come and go as they please.

Victims can be forced to do any kind of commercial work. Common examples include:

  • hand car washes
  • nail bars
  • as carers in the care industry
  • restaurants - particularly fast food outlets
  • domestic service and hospitality
  • construction work
  • prostitution
  • drug running ('county lines')
  • victims can also be forced to work in people's homes, cooking and cleaning, as domestic slaves (this is domestic servitude)

Criminal exploitation happens when victims are forced to commit crimes like:

  • shoplifting
  • pickpocketing
  • stealing fuel from cars
  • benefit fraud

Some victims of the drug trade are forced to work as cannabis growers. Others are used to distribute or sell drugs.

County lines is one form of criminal exploitation. This is where vulnerable people - often children - are used to carry drugs from cities, to sell them in nearby towns and countryside.

Report modern slavery

Modern slavery can happen anywhere. Every case is different, and they will not always fit the stereotype of groups of people being forced to work in fields, or on fishing boats.

Signs of forced labour, and criminal or sexual exploitation, can be very different. Victims might look helpless and afraid - but they can also seem accepting of their situation, or unaware of it. They might even defend the people who are exploiting them.

If you suspect that a modern slavery crime is being committed, do not confront the victim - or the person who you believe to be responsible - as you may put the victim in more danger.

Instead, tell someone as soon as you feel it's safe to. This can be regarding a victim, or a particular business or place. You will always be taken seriously, and protection and support is available.

  • Report a crime to Suffolk Police online
  • Phone Suffolk Police on 101 at any time. If you have a hearing or speech impediment, use their textphone service on 18001 101
  • If you suspect that someone is in immediate danger, always phone 999
  • To report a suspicion, or get advice, contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially on 08000 121 700
  • If you want to remain anonymous, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111