Mid Suffolk Members Allowances

In accordance with the Local Authorities (Member Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003, Councillors are entitled to receive a financial allowance for carrying out their duties. Councillors can claim the following allowances:

  • Basic Allowance
  • Special Responsibility Allowance
  • Travel and Subsistence Allowance
  • Childcare and Dependent Carers Allowances

All Councillors receive a Basic Allowance of £7,115 per year.

A Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) is awarded to Councillors who take on extra roles within the Council such as Chair, Leader or a Cabinet Member.

The Mid Suffolk Member Allowances Scheme is reviewed by the Independent Remuneration Panel and the recommendations from the panel must be agreed by Full Council before coming into effect.

Read our Mid Suffolk Member Allowances Scheme

Allowances Paid:

Below are the records for the amount of allowances paid to each Councillor per year. These records are updated and published annually.