If you are struggling with the cost of your energy bills, you can find a range of information on the support available via our cost of living webpages.

Centres for Warmth employ Support Officers to provide energy and financial inclusion support to residents. The project is hosted by East Suffolk Council - but covers all districts within Suffolk.

Officers attend community events to help people:

  • manage their energy costs
  • join the priority services register
  • check their benefits entitlement

They also raise awareness of the potential risks of carbon monoxide in the home.

In some cases, officers may support residents in their homes to help them understand their bills, negotiate payments, and look at energy efficiency measures and small grants.

This project has been funded for two years by Cadent - the largest gas network distribution network operator - to help people stay safer and warmer in their homes.

If you would like Centres for Warmth to attend a community event in your area - or you would like support with managing your energy costs or checking your benefits entitlement - you can contact Suffolk Centres for Warmth. Alternatively, call East Suffolk Council on 0333 016 2000 and ask for Centres for Warmth.