Suffolk Councils deliver report to Government: Best for democracy, delivery of services and meeting diverse demands of county
A clear message is being sent to Government that multi-unitary authorities are vital in Suffolk, for services to work and for residents to be heard, in a county with a range of rural, coastal, industrial, agricultural and urban demands.
The Councils are clear: a one size fits all ‘mega-council’ covering a vast geographical area could not possibly focus on the competing needs of three-quarters of a million people as effectively as two or three unitary authorities.
Babergh District Council, East Suffolk Council, Ipswich Borough Council, Mid Suffolk District Council and West Suffolk Council have each signed off the report following a series of council, cabinet and executive meetings where councillors from across the county examined and helped shape the proposals.
In a joint statement the leaders of Suffolk’s borough and district councils said:
“Multiple unitary authorities will produce services designed with residents in mind to meet local need, drive improved outcomes, create value and save money in a sustainable way.
“Our joint proposal demonstrates that a one size fits all mega authority will not solve the existing issue of large countywide services that will continue to drain money, requirement improvement and potentially lead to further cost cutting. Crucially, more than one unitary authority is the best way to meet these issues and would ensure strong democratic representation as one would be too remote for residents to be heard.
“It is the best solution to ensure decision makers, and the communities they represent, would be as close together as possible. This ensures that services are designed and delivered in a tailored way built on local knowledge to meet the unique need of an area, its residents and businesses. It creates new councils able to deliver both value for money and better outcomes.
“This is a generational change to the way local government and services are delivered and something we should seize. It is a real opportunity to think holistically about how services such as leisure, housing and social care could help residents to thrive. This is about starting with a blank page and not simply bolting existing council services together.
“Our collective solution is the best way to deliver great services and value for money. It makes sure the ‘local’ stays in Local Government for Suffolk.”
The interim report says multi unitary authorities will provide:
• Cost effective and high-quality services for Suffolk residents
• Long term financial sustainability
• Economic growth and support to local industry
• Stronger democratic representation, community engagement and neighbourhood empowerment
• Governance and support systems which can adapt to future aspirations and sustainable growth
• Ambitions to drive progress, innovation, and long-term success
• Structures to support and enable thriving communities and economies.
It also supports a more balanced solution for the governance of the Mayoral Combined Authority which is being set up next year for Norfolk and Suffolk.
This interim report does not constitute a final decision, and councils will have further time to develop options to redesign and reinvigorate Local Government for the future. Critically, the views of local communities will be at the heart of this work.
In response to the Government’s English Devolution White Paper Suffolk Borough and District Councils have worked together to look at the best unitary solution for the county, while taking into account Government guidance.
Cllr Deborah Saw, Leader of Babergh District Council, Cllr Caroline Topping, Leader of East Suffolk Council, Cllr Neil MacDonald, Leader for Ipswich Borough Council, Cllr Andy Mellen, Leader of Mid Suffolk District Council Leader and Cllr Cliff Waterman, Leader of West Suffolk Council signed the interim proposal sent to Government.