Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Proposal Consultation

The Councils have published a proposed approach to the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). The Councils are inviting representations to be made upon the technical criteria for the site assessment for both potential housing developments and potential Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites. Comments should be made on the proposed criteria approach only, as other matters will not be considered at this stage (as they are for consideration in further consultations upon the Part 2 Joint Local Plan). 

We are inviting comments on the draft documents for five weeks - from Thursday 22 August, until 4pm on Monday 30 September 2024. Comments must be received by this time. To view the document and make a comment, please access the link below:

SHLAA Proposal Consultation

We encourage submissions through our online portal. if this is not possible, please send your comments via email to

You can also send comments in writing to:

Strategic Planning Policy Team

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils

Endeavour House

8 Russell Road

