Stowmarket Town Centre Gateway Fund

Fund logo
We (Mid Suffolk District Council) have created a £1.5million fund to enhance Stowmarket town centre. The Stowmarket Town Centre Gateway Fund is now open for enquiries, expressions of interest and proposals.

This Fund is made possible thanks to the income generated by our investment in the Gateway 14 business park - which is on the edge of the town.

A summary of the initiative is as follows:

  1. We will work with landlords to bring under-utilised properties (including empty shops) back into use. This could involve us buying buildings, renting buildings for a short term, or helping to support their refurbishment
  2. Potential occupiers will then be supported to find a location in the town centre. This will open the door for new businesses, pop-ups and other ventures who want to launch their first shop or space
  3. The types of use encouraged include:
    • arts and cultural experiences
    • tourism
    • community activities
    • retail
    • small business workspaces
    • leisure, food and drink
    • activities that bring something new to the town
  4. We are confident that we can help create exciting new opportunities, which support a sustainable and vibrant future. We will work alongside key partners - such as Stowmarket Town Council, private sector owners, businesses and potential occupiers - to bring new attractions to the town centre. This will create a more resilient, mixed-use future and will increase footfall
  5. Any profits from the town centre initiative will be reinvested into the scheme

Submit a proposal or expression of interest

If you would like to have an informal discussion before you submit any documents, please send your contact details to A member of our team will be happy to get in touch with you as soon as possible.

You are welcome to submit more than one proposal. However, please separate applications which relate to more than one property or use proposal. Each application will be be considered on its individual merit, and inline with the Fund's framework requirements.

For more information about these requirements, please read Appendix A of the Stowmarket Town Centre Gateway Fund (Framework).

To submit an expression of interest in selling or leasing a property to us - or if you would like help to refurbish or make layout changes to a property - please download and complete Form A - Property - Stowmarket Town Centre Gateway Fund.

To register a proposal or interest in occupying or using space in the town centre, please download and complete Form B - End User/Occupier - Stowmarket Town Centre Gateway Fund.

Please submit your completed form(s) electronically to

The first round of considerations for the occupation and use of high street spaces is due to close at 12pm on Friday 11 October 2024.

What happens next

A member of our team will contact you to discuss your proposal or registration in more detail.

After the deadline for the first round of considerations has passed, a stakeholder panel who represent the Stowmarket community will meet to discuss the proposals.

We reserve the right to extend this deadline. Future rounds will be considered based upon the activity and uptake in this first round.

Please note that any enabling investment or grant awarded will normally require to secure a charge against the property.

Some proposals may be better supported by another channel or existing scheme. In these cases, we will provide signposting and information.

How we use your information

To learn how we use and store your data, please visit our How we use your information webpage.