Senior salaries (£50,000 or more)

The table below provides salary information for senior Council officers (those who earn £50,000 a year or more).

Position FTE value FTE salary
Chief Executive 1.00 £127,000 - £148,000
Deputy Chief Executive 1.00 £105,000 - £127,000
Chief Operating Officer - (To be recruited)
Director of Housing 1.00 £83,026 - £95,492
Director of Operations & Climate Change 1000 £83,026 - £95,492
Director of Planning & Building Control 1.00 £83,026 - £95,492
Director of Sustainable Communities & Economy 1.00 £83,026 - £95,492
Director of Property, Development & Regeneration 1.00 £83,026 - £95,492
Director of Finance & Procurement 1.00 £83,026 - £95,492
Director of Corporate Services 1.00 £83,026 - £95,492
Head of Waste, Recycling & Fleet 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Strategic Policy, Performance, Insight & Risk 1000 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Commissioning & Procurement 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Building Control 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Tenant Services 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Internal Audit 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Public Realm & Parking Services 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Democratic Services 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Communities 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Economy & Business 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Public Protection 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Electoral Services & Land Charges 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Finance 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of The Councils' Companies & Development 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Communications & Engagement 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of ICT & Programme Management 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of HR & OD 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Customer Experience 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Housing Solutions 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Strategic Planning 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Operations 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Head of Asset Investments & Compliance 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Chief Planning Officer 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Regeneration & Capital Projects Manager 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Professional Lead - Key Sites & Infrastructure 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Strategic Professional Lead - Development Management & Heritage 1.00 £60,000 - £74,000
Assistant Manager - Food Safety & Licensing 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Planning Manager - Monitoring, Compliance & Enforcement 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Income & Homeownership Team Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Assistant Manager - Environment 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Manager - Health, Wellbeing, Sports & Leisure 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
HR Support & ER Lead 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
HR Change & Project Lead 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Employee Experience & OD Lead 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Assistant Manager - Housing Solutions - Homelessness 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Compliance Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Assistant Manager - Health, Wellbeing, Sports & Leisure 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Manager - Community Grants & Development 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Area Planning Manager 2.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Service Improvement Advisor 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Housing Transformation Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Housing Needs & Standards Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Climate Change Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Assistant Manager - Transactions & Systems 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Health & Safety Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Fire Safety Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000
Operations Manager 1.00 £50,000 - £60,000