Making Suffolk’s older properties more energy efficient and cheaper to run
A free event to explore making Suffolk’s older homes more energy efficient will take place at The Hold in Ipswich on 6 March 2024.
The Retrofit Solutions Conference is open to Suffolk homeowners, landlords and building professionals.
It will feature case studies and expert advice on providing innovative retrofit solutions to help increase energy efficiency in properties of all types.
It is being organised by the University of Suffolk and Suffolk Climate Change Partnership, which includes Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils.
Suffolk County Council are providing support and will outline the various support, grant and loan schemes available to help homeowners and landlords with the cost of retrofit.
“The need has never been greater to make improvements to our older housing stock to make them more energy efficient and lower emissions – whilst also lowering energy bills.
“This conference will be an opportunity for networking, engaging with experts, sharing practical knowledge and best practice, and contributing to a more sustainable future for Suffolk.”
The retrofit conference takes place in the afternoon, following a session in the morning organised by Safe Suffolk Renters focused on increasing awareness of damp and mould.
The whole day is one of the latest projects delivered as a result of the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan – one of the plan’s key themes is to create more sustainable homes.
Tickets for both sessions, which include a complimentary lunch, can be booked via Eventbrite