Rough sleeping
An individual or a family can find themselves facing the risk of homelessness and that they have no other option but to sleep on the streets, in the open air or in a car.
The Rough Sleeper Team at BMSDC support individuals who have been found rough sleeping or who have had a history of rough sleeping. The support may be in the form of Outreach support where regular visits and contact are made to check welfare and support them in finding appropriate accommodation. Alternatively, they may be offered interim accommodation in one of our approved Rough Sleeper bedspaces.
If we receive a report of a person sleeping rough via street link ⧉, our customer services centre or a member of the public we will carry out the following steps:
Our Rough sleeper team will attempt to contact the individual if details were provided to gather further details.
Verify the individual at the location received in the report.
Offer homelessness advice and assistance appropriate to the circumstances.
Immediate interim accommodation may be offered in some circumstances whilst we work with the individual to assess their longer term needs.
If you are concerned about someone you have seen sleeping rough, please contact:
Web: ⧉ and click ‘Take action now’
Phone: Babergh Mid Suffolk District Council on 0300 123 4000 option 3