Resident discounts
Important Customer Information - Our online services for Benefits, Council Tax and Business Rates will be unavailable for system maintenance on Monday 27th January between 6am to approximately 9:30am. We apologise for an inconvenience caused.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Single Person Discount
Your Council Tax bill assumes that there are at least two adults living in your household. If you are the only adult who lives in the property (as your main home), you may be eligible for a 25% reduction from your Council Tax bill.
Apply for Single Person Discount
End your Single Person Discount
If you are no longer the only adult in your household, you can cancel your Single Person Discount online:
End your Single Person Discount
Care Leaver Discount
If you're under the age of 25 and have lived in care, you may be eligible for Council Tax reduction.
Visit our Care Leaver Discount webpage for more information about the eligibility criteria, and how to apply.
All other Council Tax exemptions
All adults need to pay Council Tax, unless you are:
- 18 or 19 years old and at (or have just left) school
- a full-time student or student nurse
- a youth training trainee (under the age of 25, and enrolled in a government recognised youth training programme)
- an apprentice, where the training leads to an accredited qualification - and where the salary is no greater than £195 per week gross (and less than what you would earn once qualified)
- severely mentally impaired
- a permanent hospital resident
- a permanent care home resident
- a care worker working for low pay (usually for a charity)
- caring for someone with a disability, who is not your marital spouse, partner or child under the age of 18
- a member of a visiting force, or certain international institutions
- staying in certain hostels or night shelters
- in prison (unless you are in prison for not paying Council Tax or a fine)
- a member of certain religious communities (for example, monks and nuns)
- a foreign diplomat
Is my household eligible?
Add up all the adults who live in your household as a main residence (including yourself). Then, subtract any adults who do not pay Council Tax.
If you are left with one adult who does not qualify for any discount or exemption, you should receive a 25% discount.
If no adults pay Council Tax, you should receive a 50% discount.
Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption
You can apply for Council Tax discounts or exemptions online.
Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption
If you are a student, or severely mentally impaired (or applying on behalf of someone who is), the application form is separate. If you are a student, or severely mentally impaired (or applying on behalf of someone who is), the application form is separate. You can apply for these discounts via MyAccount (although you don't need a username, just your Council Tax account number).
For latter applications, you will also need a certificate signed by your doctor.