New Mid Suffolk Chair elected and selects Food Museum as charity

Cllr Dan Pratt has been elected as the new chair of Mid Suffolk District Council

Cllr Dan Pratt has been elected the new Chair of Mid Suffolk District Council and selected the Food Museum as his chosen charity for the year.

He succeeds Cllr Rowland Warboys following a vote at the Annual Council Meeting on Wednesday, 22 May, stepping up from his previous role as vice-chair which he served for the last year. Cllr Keith Scarff was elected as vice-chair. 

One of the functions of the incoming Chair, alongside the civic and ceremonial duties, is to select a charity and arrange fundraising activities throughout their term of office. 

Cllr Pratt has chosen the Food Museum in Stowmarket, explaining:

“Fundraising will support a high-quality programme providing a range of activities promoting health, nutrition, wellbeing and social support.

“Currently, the museum has provided free cooking activities for children on free school meals, integration and community-building events for refugees, and a community referral programme working with the NHS. 

“Additionally, the museum has received recognition as an industry leader in environmental responsibility; they have planted over a mile of hedgerow and manage the woodland and river to encourage wildlife on a site located in the heart of the town.”

Residents who would like to support Cllr Pratt’s chosen charity can donate via his dedicated JustGiving fundraising page - Mid Suffolk Chair's fundraising for The Food Museum (

Cllr Dan Pratt