Mid Suffolk communities set to receive almost £700k in cash boost from developers
Cabinet members at Mid Suffolk District Council, this week voted to approve just shy of £500k for sports and wellbeing facilities in Stowmarket and more than £188k of funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to expand Thurston Community College.
A further £6k will go to Network Rail to progress the steps of the Thurston rail improvements and level crossing project.
The sports and wellbeing award, which has received wholehearted support from Stowmarket Town Council, will fund a 6-lane 100 metre sprint section as well a separate mini-athletics track (200m oval) plus an allowance for future floodlighting for a second rugby pitch at Chilton Fields.
CIL payments are legally required from developers of residential sites across the district and are then redistributed by Mid Suffolk District Council to help local facilities keep pace with housing growth.
Bids made for CIL funding are regularly reviewed by the Council and earmarked for projects which help local infrastructure keep pace with developments happening in the districts.
This is the thirteenth round of CIL funding which has been available through the council since May 2018 and to date, has allocated £13.5 million to Infrastructure projects across Mid Suffolk.
Councillor Andrew Stringer, Cabinet Member for Heritage Planning and Infrastructure at Mid Suffolk District Council, said: “It is always great to see the next round of CIL funding allocated to projects such as these and the benefits that they bring to the local community.
“With additional housing, comes the need for additional facilities for our communities and it is CIL funding is one of the ways that as a council, we can really ensure that facilities are delivered where our residents need it the most.”
Here is the full list of awards:
Stowmarket Health Education and Leisure Facilities – £497,272.72
This project will reduce the pressure on existing leisure, sport and recreation facilities that has resulted from development and growth in population, in and around Stowmarket in recent years. These new facilities will provide participation opportunities at all levels, from grassroots to elite levels of sport, for all age groups
Thurston Community College - £188,548.81
The number of homes within this catchment area is set to increase significantly in the near future (both from existing approved growth and planned growth (through the Joint Local Plan), placing greater pressure on the College facilities and the need to increase pupil places for education provision. By securing additional land and bringing it into school use now, it will enable the school to expand in the future and meet the demand for additional pupil places.
Councillor Harry Richardson, ward member for Thurston, said: “This funding bid is an important milestone in delivering the infrastructure needed to accommodate the significant housing development in Thurston.”
Thurston Rail Improvements, next phase of Level Crossing project - £6,000
This CIL Bid follows the completion of the Thurston Rail Station Improvements Feasibility Study in April 2024 and would allow Network Rail to progress necessary work at pre ES3 stage to develop a cost and programme for the ES3 phase which is about single option selection and endorsement of a suitable crossing at this Station.
Councillor Harry Richardson, ward member for Thurston, said: “It is now imperative that both Network Rail and Greater Anglia commit the resources necessary to replace the existing barrow crossing at the station and to implement a safe alternative.”