Library extension and play facilities boosted by £600k fund
Cabinet members at Mid Suffolk District Council met on Monday, 15 July and approved more than £600,000 of funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bids.
CIL payments are a legal requirement paid by developers of residential sites across the districts, and earmarked for projects which help local infrastructure keep pace with developments.
Bids made for CIL funding are regularly reviewed by the Councils, and two in Mid Suffolk have been successful in the latest round.
Stowmarket Library will receive £538,000 for an extension and refurbishment, while Debenham Recreation Ground receives £74,000 for new play facilities.
Cllr Andrew Stringer, cabinet member for heritage, planning and infrastructure at Mid Suffolk District Council, said:
We are sure the Mid Suffolk projects in Stowmarket and Debenham will make a positive difference to people living there and we look forward to seeing how they progress.”
This is the thirteenth round of CIL funding which has been available through the councils since May 2018 and to date, has allocated £11m to Infrastructure projects across Mid Suffolk.
Full details of the awards:
Stowmarket Library Extension and Refurbishment project - £538,662.24
Funding for this project will enable the creation of a side extension and alterations of the interior building which includes the four meeting rooms, a back office working space, new toilet facilities, foyer space and new entrance.
Cllr Ollie Walters, ward member for St Peters, said:
We are lucky to still have a library, when so many other towns have had theirs cut, so extending our service is great news for the community and another good reason for residents to come into the town centre"
Debenham Recreation Ground Project - £74,000
This project entails the replacement of play facilities that no longer meet the needs of the communities. Included within the new facilities will be the installation of inclusive, accessible play equipment and outdoor fitness gym.
Cllr Teresa Davis, ward member for Debenham, said: