Feel Good Suffolk helps over 2,000 people to improve their health and wellbeing
Feel Good Suffolk provides residents with access to services, supporting them to stop smoking, manage their weight and to be more physically active.
To date, Feel Good Suffolk has helped around 730 people with support to quit smoking, over 1,300 to manage their weight and more than 470 to be more active.
Mid Suffolk resident Leah Wright was referred by Feel Good Suffolk onto the GP referral scheme at her local leisure centre. She said
Joining the GP referral scheme is Leah’s first step in returning to exercise following recovery from cancer. She said:
Leah now uses the gym three times a week. She said about her GP referral instructor:
The new Feel Good Suffolk service has been developed in collaboration with Suffolk people, and is designed to deliver the information and support that people value most when it comes to improving their health and wellbeing.
Cllr Andy Mellen, leader of Mid Suffolk District Council, said:
Cllr John Ward, acting leader of Babergh District Council, said:
Feel Good Suffolk is a unique partnership which brings together Suffolk County Council, Ipswich Borough Council, East Suffolk Council, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils and West Suffolk Council, working closely with NHS Suffolk and North East Essex (SNEE ICB) Integrated Care Board and the Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board.
Residents can find out more and take a first step to improve their health and wellbeing, by visiting the Feel Good Suffolk website or by following Feel Good Suffolk on Facebook or Instagram for the latest updates.