Email, text and telephone reminders

Starting from September 2024, Mid Suffolk District Council, is trialling a new pilot scheme where residents will receive digital reminders if they fall behind on their Council Tax payments.

Residents who miss a payment will receive an email, text and telephone call, reminding them to make their missed payment.

Text messages will come from 'Mid Suffolk DC' and read ‘You currently have an outstanding matter with Mid Suffolk District Council’.

A link to your Council Tax account will then be provided. Following that link will take you to a page with a security question to check your identity before giving you further instructions on your Council Tax account.

Emails will be titled ‘Your reminder – do not ignore’ and will guide you on what you need to do.

If you receive any of these messages, we can confirm they are legitimate communication from Mid Suffolk District Council and we ask you to act on the instructions as soon as possible.

If you are unsure you can contact our customer services department, who will be happy to confirm this is legitimate. 

Alternatively, you can login to your Council Tax account to see your outstanding balance.   

The scheme aims to make contact with people who are behind on their payments, providing them with an opportunity to pay late balances, avoid unnecessary reminder notices, and so they can contact the council for help with their account and the support available to them. 

If you are struggling to keep up with your Council Tax payments, it is important that you get in contact with our team  who can help and provide support. 

To make sure you don’t miss any future payments, you can set up a Direct Debit to ensure the bill is automatically paid every month. More information on how to do this can be found on our website.  


More information on Council Tax Reminders.