Councils working with communities in response to Government’s huge housebuilding hike

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have discussed the challenges of meeting the Government’s huge rise in housebuilding requirements with community leaders.

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have discussed the challenges of meeting the Government’s huge rise in housebuilding requirements with community leaders.

In December, the new Government increased housing requirements across the country, as part of its ambition for 1.5million new homes in this parliament. 

In Babergh, the target rose from 416 to 775 new homes a year (up 86%) and in Mid Suffolk from 535 to 734 (up 37%).

Babergh and Mid Suffolk have already agreed to review their Joint Local Plan to take into account the new figures. Not doing so would leave the districts at risk of losing control over where new homes are built.

They are also working with town and parish councils - advising them of the Government’s housing requirements, and encouraging the development of Neighbourhood Plans.

Meetings were held with towns and parishes on Friday 21 March, with information and details of the support available shared.

Cllr Andrew Stringer, Mid Suffolk’s cabinet member for Heritage, Planning and Infrastructure, said: “The Government’s new housing targets are extremely challenging. 
“We want to be clear with our towns and parishes about the scale of this challenge as early as possible, so we can support them to get the best outcomes for their communities.
“Where possible, it is important towns and parishes have a Neighbourhood Plan, so they can help to shape their own futures.”
Neighbourhood Plans are written by the local community – giving them direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood. 

They have statutory weight and status in the planning process – and are used to help guide and decide planning applications in conjunction with the Babergh and Mid Suffolk Joint Local Plan, national planning policies and any other material considerations.

Cllr Sallie Davies, Babergh’s cabinet member for Heritage, Planning and Infrastructure, said: “The Government has almost doubled our housing requirement. This is completely unrealistic, but we must now work with communities to plan for the housing growth being asked of us.
“We all want good quality, truly affordable homes in sustainable, vibrant communities. We must work together to achieve this.”

A timetable for Babergh and Mid Suffolk’s Joint Local Plan review has now been set, with informal engagement starting this summer.

Pictured: Cllr Andrew Stringer and Cllr Sallie Davies

Cllr Andrew Stringer and Cllr Sallie Davies