Caring for your home

Insuring your Council home

We insure the structure of your home.

You should insure the contents of your home - including any decorating you do. 

We have joined together with Thistle Tenant Risks to offer you home contents insurance. They can offer:

  • Cover for fire, theft, flood, water damage and other household risk
  • Cover lost or stolen keys
  • Freezer contents
  • Accidental damage to fixed glass in doors and windows 

For more information contact Thistle Insurance on 0845 601 7007 or if may be cheaper to call 01628 586187 from a mobile. Alternatively you can email Crystal Insurance.

Visit Crystal Insurance's website for more information.

Keep your home secure

It is your responsibility to keep your property secure.

If you lose your keys or lock yourself out, you must call a locksmith and pay for the service.

If you use a security-door fob key which is damaged or faulty, we will replace it free of charge.

If you lose it, or you cannot return it to us for any reason, you will have to pay for the new one. These keys are expensive and take a few days to replace.

What to do if your pipes freeze

If your pipes freeze:

  • turn off the water supply at the stop tap
  • turn off the central heating or put out the fire if you have a back boiler
  • drain the water system by turning on the taps until they run dry
  • find out where the pipe is frozen
  • if it is frozen in the loft, open the hatch to let the warmer air in
  • thaw the pipe with a fan heater, hairdryer or hot-water bottle

If your heating is affected, and you live in one of our council homes, we may be able to provide some portable heaters. Please contact us 

If you go away

If you are going away for a few days in the winter and you have central heating, leave it running on its lowest setting. This helps to prevent pipes freezing.

If you are leaving your property for more than 21 days:

  • turn off and disconnect all electrical appliances (except your freezer)
  • turn off the water at the stop tap
  • when you return, drain the hot and cold system of water by turning on the taps and flushing the toilets
  • ask a friend or neighbour to keep an eye on your home
  • leave your heating on a low setting in the winter

If you are leaving your property for a long period of time, then please contact us 

Central heating and hot water troubleshooting guide

If you are having trouble with your heating or hot water, before calling us to arrange a visit from a gas engineer, you may find the solution in the below troubleshooting guide.

What to expect if your property is having an electrical rewire

There comes a time in the life of any property when the installed wiring may no longer meet current standards, and either parts of the property or the entire property may require rewiring.  You will find details of what to expect during a full or partial rewire in the below guide.

External contractor guidance and logos

There will be times when you will need to allow external contractors into your home for important safety checks, repairs, and maintenance to ensure your property remains safe for you to live in.  Below you will find a guide on allowing contractors into your home, along with a selection of logos belonging to some of our contactors and a brief description of the work they do.