Bury Street car park permits (for residents)

Residents who live in the following streets in Stowmarket:

  • Bury Street
  • Navigation Place
  • Union Street West
  • Stowupland Street

can apply for an annual parking permit, for use in Bury Street car park.

Please note that these permits are for residents only. Businesses cannot apply for one.

This resident parking scheme is a temporary measure in place, as Stowmarket Town Council and Suffolk County Council work to provide a long term solution.

The permits cost £30 per year (or part thereof) for each permit period, regardless of when the permit is purchased.  The permit year runs from 19 February 2025 to 18 February 2026.

Refunds are not offered for part used permits.

The permits are not valid for use in Union Street Car Park or Union Street West Car Park.

Apply for a Bury Street car park resident permit