Building control records online

Details of Building Control applications deposited on or after 1st January 2000 are available to view on:

Idox Public Access

Decision notices and completion certificates can be downloaded for free, but please note that these documents are limited to the following:

  • Babergh District Council documents for applications deposited from January 2007
  • Mid Suffolk District Council documents for applications deposited from June 2017

Competent Persons Scheme (CPS)

Competent Persons Schemes e.g. CERTAS, ELECSA, FENSA, HETAS, NAPIT, NICEIC, OFTEC, VEKA were introduced to allow self-certification of works instead of applying to Local Authorities or Approved Inspectors for Building Regulations.

The Local Authority do not hold completion certificates for CPS records, these will have been issued directly to the owner or occupier of the property.

Registered Building Control Approver (formerly Approved Inspector) Applications

Building Regulation applications made to a Registered Building Control Approvers rather than the Local Authority Building Control will have the code IN or AI in the application reference number.

The Local Authority do not hold any decision notices or completion certificates for these records. Documentation will have been issued directly to the owner or occupier of the property from the RBCA.