Brownfield Land Register

View the Babergh & Mid Suffolk Brownfield Land Register (2024) (CSV file) 

Babergh & Mid Suffolk Brownfield Land Register (2024) (PDF version) and the Brownfield Sites Register Map.

Please note that:

  • The minimum net dwellings (column N on Part 1 of Register) shows the estimated dwelling yield as calculated through the SHELAA process and through outstanding planning permissions.
  • All information was correct at December 2024.
  • Details of qualifying sites that benefit from Full or Outline planning permission will be kept under review.


The Government requires local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain, and publish a register of brownfield land that has been assessed as being suitable for housing development.

Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017

The register, which is divided into two parts, comprises a standard set of information. It is also intended that the register - which is to be kept up-to-date (normally at least once a year) and be made publicly available - will help provide certainty for both developers and communities, and encourage investment in local areas.

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have prepared a single register which covers both districts (see link above). Further updates will be undertaken on an annual basis.

For additional information see also the Government's Brownfield Registers and Permissions in Principle guidance / FAQs webpage.