Signs And Adverts
What is an advert?
The term ‘advert’ covers a wide range of items, including:
- posters and notices
- fascia and projecting signs
- models and devices
- estate agent boards
- balloon advertising and flags
- traffic signs
- town and village noticeboards
Do I need consent to display an advert?
Subject to meeting strict criteria some adverts do not need consent from the Council. Those adverts that fall outside of the criteria will require ‘express consent’ and you will need to submit a formal application.
Information the different types of adverts and whether they require ‘express consent’ is set out on the following link:
Further information on the adverts and the consent process can be found on the following link:
If you are unsure whether your advertisement needs consent you are advised to check with us first. You can be fined for displaying advertisements without the appropriate consent.