What is Mid Suffolk Magazine?

Mid Suffolk Magazine is a 16 page magazine, printed on A5 paper, which contains news and information from Mid Suffolk District Council. The first issue will be delivered to every household in the district during the week commencing Monday 24 February 2025.

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Why have we produced it?

We deliver a wide range of services and support for our residents and communities. We think it is important that people understand what these are - and how they can benefit from them. It is also important that Council Tax payers understand how we spend their money.

We already use a range of communications channels to reach residents - including social media and traditional media - but delivering a newsletter to every household ensures that all residents have access to the same information.

The newsletter is also a trusted source of information for residents, at a time when media sources are more fragmented than ever.

What sort of content does it contain?

The magazine contains articles that we feel are most useful for residents, and local organisations. For example, the magazine contains details about:

  • cost-of-living support available
  • a free home insulation scheme
  • the Feel Good Suffolk healthy living support service, which helps people stop smoking, be more active and manage their weight

There is also information about grants available to local organisations - as well as initiatives, like new transport schemes, to support communities - and investment in Stowmarket Town Centre.

The magazine is politically impartial.

How much does the magazine cost to produce?

The magazine was produced in-house by our Communications team (with the exception of the design work), and delivered by Royal Mail. The total cost of the Spring 2025 issue, including distribution, was £12,227.94. This is equivalent to 24p per household, or about 12p per resident.

What did you do the limit the environmental impact?

We made sure that the paper used was carbon-balanced, as certified by the World Land Trust.

How often are you issuing this magazine?

The idea is that residents will receive regular updates from us. However, we want to gauge reaction and interest to this first issue before we decide how best to balance frequency against cost, and then confirm how regular the magazine should be.

I've received the magazine, but do not want to receive it in future

We hope that everyone will want to keep receiving any future editions. However, you can opt out of receiving leaflets or unaddressed material.

How can I leave feedback about the Mid Suffolk Magazine?

If you'd like to comment on the magazine, please email communications@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk

How can I advertise in Mid Suffolk Magazine?

If you would like to discuss advertising opportunities, please email communications@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk