What to do with garden waste

Garden waste must not be put in refuse (general rubbish) or recycling bins.

Instead, garden waste can be taken to a recycling centre in Suffolk.

Another way to recycle garden waste is via home composting.

We can also collect garden waste via our paid for subscription service.

New or additional subscription

For households within the Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts, we offer a chargeable garden waste collection service.

If you are unsure which district the address is in, you can find your district council online.

Addresses in Babergh

For addresses in the Babergh district, the annual cost of this service is £65.00 per garden waste (brown) bin. Plus, there is a one-off administration charge of £20.00 for new or additional subscriptions.

Address in Mid Suffolk

For addresses in the Mid Suffolk district, the annual cost of this service is £62.00 per garden waste (brown) bin. Plus, there is a one-off administration charge of £20.00 for new or additional subscriptions.

Please note that these are set prices, and there are no reductions available.

Garden waste is collected every fortnight, apart from two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period when the service is paused.

Your application may need to be assessed to see if it is possible to carry out your collections safely.

Before you apply, please read the garden waste collection service terms and conditions. Plus, find out what can and can't be put into a garden waste (brown) bin.

We will aim to deliver the bin as soon as possible. However, currently this could take up to 5-6 weeks.

The 12 month subscription period will only start once the bin has been delivered.

You do not need to be at home when the bin is delivered. Information about the collection schedule will be posted through your door when the bin is delivered.

The bin will be clean and useable, but it may not be new.

Apply for a new or additional garden waste collection service subscription

Renew a subscription

To renew your garden waste collection service subscription, you will need your customer and invoice number.

These numbers are at the top of the renewal invoice, which you should receive approximately one month before the expiry date.

If you do not know your customer or invoice number, please email Waste Services.

Pay a renewal invoice

Change of address

Moving home within the districts?

If you are moving home within Babergh or Mid Suffolk, you can take your garden waste (brown) bin with you. 

Inform us of your new address, so we can update your subscription and start collecting from your new property.

Leaving the districts?

If you are moving out of the districts, please email Waste Services so we can cancel your subscription and collect your brown bin.

Please note that we are unable to provide full or partial subscription refunds.

Cancel a subscription

If you wish to cancel, or not renew, your garden waste collection service subscription, please email Waste Services

We will then arrange the collection of your brown bin.

Please note that we are unable to provide full or partial subscription refunds.

Garden waste collection service terms and conditions

  1. For an annual subscription fee, the Council agrees to undertake the collection of accepted garden waste items contained in the supplied 240L brown wheeled bin, from the address specified on your application.
  2. There are no restrictions on the number of subscriptions held at any one address.
  3. All bins supplied with this service will remain the property of the Council.
  4. Payment will be taken in advance of the twelve-month subscription period. You will receive a renewal invoice approximately one month before the expiry date. Prices are reviewed yearly and are subject to change.
  5. Collections are undertaken by our waste collection contractor Serco.
  6. Your application may need to be assessed to see if it is possible to carry out your collections safely.
  7. We aim for the majority of garden waste to be collected via a dedicated collection vehicle, and taken to a green waste recycling site to be turned into compost. However, we cannot guarantee this. For example, if a property is serviced via a smaller collection vehicle, the garden waste may be collected at the same time as the refuse (general rubbish). In this instance, the garden waste would be taken to the Energy from Waste Facility instead.
  8. Collections will be made fortnightly, as per the specified garden waste collection week and day, except for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period. Collections following a bank holiday will usually be a day later than normal for the rest of the week. Please refer to the collection schedule, which can be viewed on our websites, or sent by contacting Waste Services.
  9. We reserve the right to change your collection week and day at any time. Changes will be notified to you in writing.
  10. Although every effort will be made for collections to take place on the scheduled day, we cannot guarantee this, due to reasons outside of our control. Examples include; roadworks, breakdowns, crew sickness, severe weather, parked vehicles preventing safe access, or high seasonal demand. If the service is delayed, please continue to leave your bin out and accessible at its normal collection point. To check for service delays, please visit our websites or contact Waste Services.
  11. So that the garden waste bin can be emptied, please ensure:
  • The bin only contains accepted items. If the bin contains non-accepted items, it will not be emptied. Please refer to the information on what can and can’t be put into a garden waste (brown) bin
  • The bin is put out by 6.30am on collection day (or left out the night before)
  • The bin is left, and clearly visible, at the edge of your property boundary, at the point nearest to the public highway (unless we have agreed otherwise)
  • The bin is placed with the handle facing outwards towards the road/pavement
  • The bin's lid is firmly closed
  • The bin is not too heavy, and can be moved easily
  • No items are lodged, stuck, or frozen, in the bin. Contents must fall out when the bin is lifted upside down
  • The bin has been clearly labelled with the property's number/name
  1. Once emptied, the bin must be taken back inside the boundary of the property by 7pm on collection day. This is unless the collection has been delayed, or we have specified otherwise.
  2. We are unable to return for bins not presented for collection at the correct time, or bins that contained non-accepted items. Please note that the collection crew will log if there was a reason why they couldn't empty a bin.
  3. Missed collections must be reported to us within two working days of it being missed. To report a missed collection, please visit our websites or contact Waste Services. Once we have received the report, please continue to leave your bin out and accessible, and we will aim to make a return within five working days. Please note that dustcart camera footage may be viewed to check if the collection was actually missed, or whether the bin was out, before a return can be made.
  4. Only accepted items contained within the issued brown bin will be taken. For example, we will not take any additional waste left beside the bin. An exception is made for real Christmas trees (with all decorations removed) that are under 7ft tall and have a trunk less than 7cm, which may be left beside the bin during January only.
  5. If you move address within the Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts, you must notify us of the change, so we can update your subscription and start collecting from your new property. Please take the garden waste (brown) bin with you.
  6. If you move out of the Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts, you must notify us, so we can cancel your subscription and retrieve the bin. Please leave the garden waste (brown) bin at the address.
  7. If you wish to cancel, or not renew, your garden waste collection service subscription, you must notify us, so we can cancel your subscription and retrieve the bin.
  8. No full or partial refunds will be given for cancelled subscriptions.

Last updated November 2024

What we do with your information

If you would like to know how our Waste Services team use any personal information you provide us, please read our privacy notice.