For households within the Babergh and Mid Suffolk districts, we offer a chargeable garden waste collection service.
If you are unsure which district the address is in, you can find your district council online.
Addresses in Babergh
For addresses in the Babergh district, the annual cost of this service is £65.00 per garden waste (brown) bin. Plus, there is a one-off administration charge of £20.00 for new or additional subscriptions.
Address in Mid Suffolk
For addresses in the Mid Suffolk district, the annual cost of this service is £62.00 per garden waste (brown) bin. Plus, there is a one-off administration charge of £20.00 for new or additional subscriptions.
Please note that these are set prices, and there are no reductions available.
Garden waste is collected every fortnight, apart from two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period when the service is paused.
Your application may need to be assessed to see if it is possible to carry out your collections safely.
Before you apply, please read the garden waste collection service terms and conditions. Plus, find out what can and can't be put into a garden waste (brown) bin.
We will aim to deliver the bin as soon as possible. However, currently this could take up to 5-6 weeks.
The 12 month subscription period will only start once the bin has been delivered.
You do not need to be at home when the bin is delivered. Information about the collection schedule will be posted through your door when the bin is delivered.
The bin will be clean and useable, but it may not be new.
Apply for a new or additional garden waste collection service subscription