If you are having payment difficulties please complete our online Council Tax enquiry form so that we can get in touch with you to discuss your options. You will need your Council Tax account reference number to hand.

If you get into payment difficulties and you can't afford your instalments, contact us straight away. We may be able to help you by making a different payment arrangement, you can find out more about spreading your payments here

Remember that paying by Direct Debit ensures that your payments are made on time every month. We can also arrange for you to pay this way over the telephone.

Other support available 

We may be able to reduce what you have to pay. For example, you may qualify for a discount that you didn't know about - visit our Exemptions, discounts and premiums section - or you may qualify for Council Tax Reduction.

In special circumstances we can award Discretionary Financial Assistance (DFA) to provide help towards reducing your Council Tax liability.

For information please read our DFA Guide and you can apply online using the link below. 

Apply for discretionary financial assistance

We also have pages on debt advice organisation, which can be found here

What happens if you don't pay?

If you do miss a Council Tax payment there are several steps which the Council will take to remind you that you need to pay.

If we don't know that you are having problems paying, we may take legal action to recover the money. This could result in you having to pay a lot more.