We, as the local planning authority, designate conservation areas within our district.
However, there are many places within our towns and villages which have a special quality that the government feel is desirable to 'preserve or enhance'. This is carried out via a conservation area designation.
Before an area is designated, we will not only consider the number of listed buildings within the area. We will look at other special characteristics which contribute to the area's character and appearance, too.
These characteristics could be interesting street furniture, winding roads, the unity of the buildings, or other features.
Some unlisted historic buildings in conservation areas may be considered to be non-designated heritage assets - or may be included on a Local List.
It will be financially and visually rewarding for you to preserve and maintain any special features that your home has (whether it is listed, or not). Please remember that once an interesting feature has been lost, it may be impossible (or very expensive) to recreate it.