Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a fixed rate payment that Councils can charge on new buildings in their area. This is to offset the impacts of additional homes and businesses on facilities such as:
- public transport infrastructure
- schools
- open spaces
- health centres (infrastructure)
CIL also enables sustainable growth.
Section 106 (S106) Legal Agreements will be used alongside CIL to secure onsite infrastructure and things that are not infrastructure (like affordable housing).
We charge CIL on all relevant planning permissions granted, and all relevant permitted developments.
Please note that pre-application advice for CIL is a charged service.
Access our Developer Contributions Database to search for developer contributions information. You can also view data in relation to your parish, ward or district area and find out:
- how much CIL and S106 income may be due
- how much has been received
- basic details in relation to a Liability Notice
- funds that have been allocated to infrastructure projects
- funds that have been allocated to parish and town councils for spending
Developer Contributions Database Guide
Developer Contributions (CIL and S106 obligations) are a service of Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils. This Privacy Notice explains how we use any personal information we ask you for when we are processing documents and transactions relating to CIL and S106.
We remain available to support developers, communities and infrastructure providers. If you need to contact us please telephone 01449 724563 or email