Household Support Fund

The government has funded a scheme, known as the Household Support Fund, to help those who have been most affected by the rising cost of living.

The funding covers the period from 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 inclusive.

Mid Suffolk District Council have agreed to extend the funding of the scheme from 1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025. You may be able to access this fund if you are struggling to pay for your rent and service charges, any housing essentials, or unexpected costs.

For more information about the scheme, please read our Household Support Fund policy.

You can apply for the scheme online:

Apply for the Household Support Fund

You can also apply by calling our Housing Solutions team on 0300 123 4000 (Option 3).

Your application will be assessed by a Financial Inclusion Officer. They will contact you directly (by telephone or email) to gather the information that they need. You may be asked to provide proof of eligibility, and evidence of your financial circumstances.

Please note that this fund cannot be used to pay towards your mortgage. If you are struggling with your mortgage payments, you must contact your lender directly to discuss your options.

If you are at risk of homelessness, please contact our Housing Solutions team. Please phone 0300 123 4000 (Option 3).

Help with energy, water, and food bills

You must make an application to Suffolk Local Welfare Assistance Scheme, administered by Suffolk County Council. If you need help to apply, a partner organisation, such as Citizens Advice, can assist you in submitting your application.

Please visit the Cost of living support section of Suffolk County Council's website for more information.