Suffolk County Council are responsible for maintaining public rights of way in our district.

If you come across an issue (for example, a broken signpost or obstruction), please report it to them straightaway:

Report a public rights of way issue

You can also access the definitive map and statement, which details all legally recorded public rights of way in Suffolk.

Public Path Orders

If you would like to make a permanent change to the public rights of way network, you can apply to make a Public Path Order.

There are three types of Public Path Order:

  1. A diversion order can alter the route of a footpath/bridleway/restricted byway
  2. An extinguishment order can remove a footpath/bridleway/restricted byway from public use 
  3. A creation order can add a new footpath/bridleway/restricted byway

If you would like to make a public path order application, we strongly recommend that you speak with our Public Rights of Way Officer.

Please email 

You can also read our guidance on applications to change the public rights of way network.

Natural England have published a guide to definitive maps and changes to public rights of way

If you are applying to divert or extinguish a public right of way due to proposed development please contact us for further information and guidance as changes to enable development to take place are dealt with under separate legislation.


A straightforward diversion order is likely to cost - in total - in the region of £5,000. This includes an initial, non-refundable fee of £500.

Once we have assessed your application, we will provide you with a maximum figure. This will cover the cost of administrative fees and our specialist advice.

We will always try our best to adhere to the figure provided, unless one or more of the following applies:

  1. Substantial changes are required to the scope of the application
  2. Protracted negotiation is necessary, following objection to the proposal
  3. Delays beyond our control occur

Our current hourly rate is £75 plus disbursements (for example, land registry information).

Please read our 2024/25 charges information for public path orders and agreements for more information.

Divert a public footpath, bridleway or restricted byway

We may divert a route under the provisions of section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 if we are satisfied:

  • that it is in the interest of either the owner/lessee or occupier of the land crossed by the route AND/OR in the interest of the public to do so
  • that the diversion will not make the route substantially less convenient to the public
  • that the diversion is expedient having regard to the effect it would have on public enjoyment of the path as a whole
  • with regard to the effect the diversion would have on other land served by the existing route
  • with regard to the effect the diversion would have on the land crossed by the proposed route and other land held with it
  • with regard to the effect the diversion would have on the needs of agriculture and/or forestry and on nature conservation.

If you would like to apply, please read our guidance notes on Public Path Diversion Order applications first.

To apply, please download and complete a Public Path Diversion Order application form and email it to

You can also download the application form as a Word document, if preferred.

Extinguish a public footpath, bridleway or restricted byway

We may extinguish a route under the provisions of section 118 of the Highways Act 1980 if we are satisfied:

  • that the route is not needed for public use
  • the extent to which the route would likely to be used, if not extinguished
  • the effect the extinguishment would have on land served by the route

If you would like to apply, please read our guidance notes on Public Path Extinguishment Order applications first.

To apply, please download and complete a Public Path Extinguishment Order application form and email it to

You can also download the application form as a Word document, if preferred.

Create a public footpath, bridleway or restricted byway

We may create a route under the provisions of section 118 of the Highways Act 1980 if we are satisfied:

  • the extent to which the proposed path or way would add to the convenience or enjoyment of a substantial section of the public or
  • the extent to which the proposed  path or way would add to the convenience or enjoyment of people who live in the area
  • the effect the proposed path or way would have on the rights of people who are interested in the land

If you would like to apply, please read our guidance notes on Public Path Creation Order applications first.

To apply, please download and complete a Public Path Creation Order application form and email it to

You can also download the application form as a Word document, if preferred.

Current public notices about Public Path Orders

Opposed Public Path Orders

Polstead Footpath No 35([part)) Public Path Diversion Order 2021

You are able to access all documents submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on our website.

Notice of proposed modification to the order