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Residents Survey 2023: Your view matters
Have you received an invitation to take part in the 2023 Residents' Survey?
If you have, please follow the links in the invitation letter to complete the survey online.
You can also visit the Opinion Research webpage covering Babergh and Mid Suffolk ⧉ to find out more and access links to the online survey.
Don’t worry if you are unable to complete it online; a paper version will be sent to you.
What is the Residents' Survey?
Each year Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils invite approximately 16,000 residents to take part in the Residents' Survey. The survey asks for your opinion on a range of subjects including the local area and facilities, public services, your community, physical activity and getting around, internet access and wellbeing.
The survey is your opportunity to tell us how you feel about your local area and how well the councils are performing.
What are the results used for?
The results help us understand what things are most important to the people of Babergh and Mid Suffolk and how well we are doing in those areas. The same questions are repeated each year, allowing us to track our progress and adjust our activities as necessary. Look out for the results which will be posted here towards the end of this year.
Who can participate?
Only those residents who have received an invitation can participate. This is to ensure we have a representative mix of people that correctly reflect the population of our districts.
- Up to three adults in each household that receives an invitation can take part.
- The first invitation letters will be sent out on 21 July 2023, asking people to complete the survey online.
- If this is not completed online, a follow-up paper version of the survey will be sent on 25 August 2023.
- The consultation period ends on 1 October, with results due on 15 November.
Who are Opinion Research Services (ORS)?
You may have noticed the survey link is addressed as ORS. Opinion Research Services provide research across the UK for public, voluntary and private sector organisations. Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have asked ORS to help deliver this survey.
Data Protection
All data collected in this survey is covered by the Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils Data Protection Policy. Details can be found on the council website or by accessing the ORS Resident survey page.