Report dog fouling
Report a full or overflowing litter bin
There are around 2000 dog waste and litter bins throughout our districts.
Most of these bins are provided by town and parish councils, and emptied by us. Bins in town centres are usually emptied daily, and bins in rural locations and play areas are emptied weekly.
Bins on private land are the responsibility of the respective land owner or manager.
If you have seen a bin that needs emptying, please report it to us online (please select 'Street Cleansing' as the first option):
Report a full or overflowing bin
If you would like to request:
- a new or replacement bin
- the removal, or relocation, of an existing bin
You will need to contact your local town or parish council, or the respective land owner or manager.
Dog fouling
On most public land, it is an offence under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 to not clear up after your dog.
We have powers to issue an on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notice of £50. We can also choose to prosecute (which could lead to a fine of up to £1,000).
Dog fouling needs to be wrapped, and placed in a dog and litter bin. You can also place it in your refuse (general rubbish) bin.
If you see someone failing to clean up after their dog in a public place, please report it to us online (please select 'Street Cleansing' as the first option):
When you make your report, please include:
- the date, time and location of the incident
- any details you know about the offender
Where a vehicle is involved, please include (if possible):
- the make, model and colour of the car
- the number plate
Please note that we are not able to accept anonymous reports.