Do I need planning permission, or listed building consent?

Planning permission and listed building consent are two separate exercises.

For some proposed works, planning permission and listed building consent are both required. However, in other cases, only one - or neither - will be needed.

Any works to:

  • demolish any part of a listed building, or
  • alter or extend a listed building, in a way that will affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest

will need listed building consent. This is regardless of whether planning permission is also required.

Planning permission is needed if the proposal is considered to be 'development', and is not considered to be 'permitted development'.

You will not need to submit a planning application if the works would not constitute as 'development' (for example, internal works to listed buildings).

For more information, or clarification, please email

Do I need listed building consent to replace windows and doors?

You will always need listed building consent to replace the windows and doors of a listed building, as this is an alteration to the character of the building. This is even if the replacement windows or doors are almost identical.

Do I need listed building consent to make repairs to existing windows and doors?

No - so long as:

  • the repairs only affect a small portion of the existing material
  • the materials used for the repairs match the existing material (as well as any joinery detail or moulding)
  • traditional methods are used

Can I paint my house a new colour or finish?

You don't need listed building consent to change the external colour of a listed building, unless you want to:

  • change the finish type from lime wash, to masonry paint
  • paint a surface which has not been painted before
  • change the colour to one that would affect the building's special interest or character

Before you make any changes, please apply to change the colour of a listed building. This is so we can confirm as to whether your changes are acceptable or not.

Please note that this application is only needed for listed buildings. You do not need to apply to change the colour of an unlisted building in a conservation area.

Can I build an extension/sunroom/conservatory?

You would need listed building consent. You will also need to discuss your plans with our Planning team.

We would need to know more information about the proposed works (size, scale, materials, height, position, any associated works, etc.).

We would then need to consider whether the erection of a conservatory, or similar, would affect or harm the significance of the listed building.

Can I replace or repair my roof tiles?

We would need to know more about why the works are required. Wholesale lifting and relaying, or the replacement of roof coverings, will need listed building consent.

We will normally support an application if the existing tiles (or most of them) are reused, and the works are justified.

Listed building consent might not be needed for the replacement of broken tiles, if the tiles match the existing material and only a small portion of the roof is being replaced.

Can I remove my cart lodge/garage/shed/outbuilding?

The answer will depend on whether the outbuilding is considered to be curtilage listed. We recommend that you get pre-application advice if you think that the outbuilding was built in or before 1948.

Please visit our Curtilage listed buildings webpage for more information.

Can I move, remove, reposition or replace my staircase(s)?

Alterations to staircases normally need listed building consent. We likely wouldn't support the replacement of staircases (unless they are post-war in date). If the staircase you are adjusting is from the post-war era, but within the main part of your property, then listed building consent will be necessary.

Historic England would also be consulted during the application process for these works.

I want to 'modernise' or replace my kitchen and/or bathroom

You might need listed building consent - it will depend on the alterations that you want to make.

For example:

  • Replacing units and appliances that were fitted after the mid-twentieth century might not need consent
  • Remodelling the internal structure (this includes walls, floors, doors or windows) will need consent

If your planned works include the alteration or removal of the historic fabric of the property, we may have some concerns.

If you are unsure, please request pre-application advice.

Can I carry out restoration work to the entire building?

We would need more information about the scheme of work.

We recommend that you request pre-application advice.