Eye Neighbourhood Plan

The Eye Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been prepared by Eye Town Council and is being used to help guide and shape future development in the parish. The current, adopted, plan covers the period 2018 - 2036. Information on this version can be found below.

Eye Town Council have also started the process of reviewing their adopted plan. Information on that will be published here at the appropriate time. 

Formal Adoption of the Eye NDP (May 2021)

In an 'out of meeting' decision taken on 19 May 2021, Mid Suffolk District Council agreed to adopt ('make') the Eye NDP. 

Supporting evidence

The Eye NDP refers to a suite of supporting documents. Key documents are listed here. Others remain listed under the Reg 16 stage section below.

Previous stages...

Local Referendum (6 May 2021)

A local referendum on the Eye NDP was held on 6 May 2021. The majority of those who voted where in favour of the plan being adopted by Mid Suffolk District Council for the purpose of helping it determine planning applications in this neighbourhood plan area. 

Reg 18 Decision Statement (May 2020)

The decision that this NDP, subject to modification, should proceed to referendum was made by Mid Suffolk Cabinet on 13 January 2020. The decision statement was belatedly published in May 2020.

Reg 17 Independent Examination (Final Report - 25 Oct 2019)

The Eye NDP was independently examined by Rosemary Kidd, Dip TP MRTPI. The examination has conducted through written correspondence.

Reg 16 Submission Consultation (22 May - 5 July 2019)

The submission draft Eye NDP was made available for public consultation between 22 May and 5 July 2019. The Town Council (the qualifying body) had formally submitted the following documents:

An assessment on how this NDP met the basic condition tests formed part of the examination. Our initial checks suggested that the relevant procedural requirements had been met at this stage. See our Reg 15 Checklist.

Respondents were also reminded that their comments would be forwarded to the independent examiner and, with the exception of personal contact details, be published on this webpage.

SEA & HRA Screening and Determination (Jan 2019)

The pre-submission draft Eye NDP was screened to determine whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and or a Habitats Assessment (HRA) were required. The need for an SEA Scoping Report was 'screened-in'. The need for an HRA Scoping Report was 'screened-out'. The relevant reports and our determination notice are published below:

Reg 14 Pre-submission Consultation (8 Nov to 20 Dec 2018)

Consultation by Eye Town Council on their pre-submission draft NDP ended on 20 December 2018.

Reg 05 Area Designation (18 Oct 2017)